Saturday, January 05, 2008


The past week I was blessed with the opportunity to work at the Edge New Years conference at Caswell and then was able to hang out with some summer staffers for our reunion. It was an amazing time and I was really glad that I was able to catch up with some of the staffers and just hang out with some people that I didn't really hang out with over the summer. God also blessed us with some people that we had not seen in a while and it was just a blessing to come together as the body of Christ. Times like these are times that I cherish so much because not only do you get to hang out and catch up on people's lives but you have the opportunity to passionately worship Christ together! It's an experience that you just have to witness for yourself, but it is something that I have never found anywhere else. We just gather and sing praises to our Lord! Anyways, I got to thinking about the many blessings of friendships that God has given me over the years and God puts two different types of people/friends in your life: long term and short term. From both we learn great things that the Lord has prepared for us, but unfortunately some people in your life will be short term friends. They will not be somebody that becomes a lifelong friend, most of the time these short term friends are the ones that teach us the greatest things. Our long term friends are friends that will always be there for us, there to lift us up, listen to us, and hold us accountable for a long time. Let us not overlook either one, for God has provided us with both peoples in our life and we should cherish every moment we have together and always keep our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts open and ready to learn because you never know how long they will be in your life. People will come and go, but it is up to you how you will respond to what God has given you. Do you cherish and take advantage of what God has given you?