Friday, December 22, 2006


Well it's been a few days since I've been able to sit down and think and type. So I had surgery on my foot again and that went really well and I am recovering now with almost no pain, which is amazing!! I would like to say thank you to everyone who prayed for me during the week I really appreciate it. It is amazing what can happen when people care enough to say a simple prayer for you. Prayer is so powerful and something that the Bible says is definitely necessary. Prayer is our way to communicate with God, not soley to ask for things, but it is a way to converse with Him. We usually spend too much time talking, whining, and asking for selfish things instead of sitting with Him and just listening or reading His Word. So again I would like to thank all of you who spent the time in prayer for me and would encourage you to continue doing so, because God can do so many things if we give Him the time, glory, and praise. Are you wasting your time?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Life goes on...

This semester is coming to a close and we are finally in the last couple of days of exams! But with that, everybody including myself is extremely stressed out and is freaking out about these stupid exams. I really don't think we should have to take finals, but that's just my opinion. One thing I have noticed is that people change during exam week. Some people become hermit crabs and you never see them, others become really mean and unpleasant to be around. I realize that finals are a good chunk of your grade, but it isn't a matter of life or death. Some people become so caught up in these tests that they think if they do bad (and for most of them that means get a C!!) their college career is over. Au contraire my friends, no matter how you do on these tests I've come to find out that life does go on. It isn't the end of the world if I get a C in a class, shoot for most of my classes a C is GREAT!!! So be encouraged, and know that these tests are a small portion of our lives that will not hinder God's will for you! Know that God has your back and that He has a plan for you. That doesn't mean don't study, you still have to study and at least pass your class, but if you are meant to go to ____(insert Grad school of your choice) then God will see to it that it happens, so long as you remain faithful to Him. Study and try to do well but do not let it take over your life and stress you out! God is waiting for you with outstretched arms. Life will go on...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Santa Claus

Being Christmas time, some of the most often seen symbols are Santa Claus and the Cross. We all know the symbolism of the Cross and the true meaning of Christmas (being the birth of Christ). But, have you ever wondered where the idea of Santa Claus came from? Well the other at the BSU party our intern read us the history of Santa Claus or more precisely named, Saint Nicholas. So Saint Nicholas was a very religious, God fearing man that decided to give gifts to the underprivileged around this time of year to celebrate the birth of Christ, as we do every year. Over the years Saint Nicholas's legacy has continued, but has now become skewed. We have turned one man's sacrificial obedience into a materialistic mythical character. Now Santa Claus is the face of Christmas and we focus more upon Santa and the gifts than we do the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. How do you think Saint Nicholas would feel if he knew that his obedience to God has turned into this which has shadowed the celebration of Christ our King? I'm not saying that people who do Santa gifts are wrong but I believe there comes a time in a child's life when they are mature/old enough to understand the true story of Saint Nicholas and the meaning of Christmas.

Anyways that was my blurb about I was rummaging through some of my papers and pictures from this summer and really miss the summer and everybody from Caswell. I love every single person from this summer and miss everybody so much and I really can't wait for reunion now! I thank God that He has put everyone in my path and has allowed me to be a part of their lives also. I came across this promise that we wrote to God and it was somewhat of a wake up call, in that I questioned whether I was living out what I had written. I decided to put it up somewhere that I will be able to read it everyday to just be a constant reminder of how I should be living. Here is what it said...
"Lord, I submit myself to You and am committing myself to You and being faithful to You God. I will not let my relationships, school, work or anything in my life hinder me from having faith in You Lord. Lord Jesus take it all from me, I lift these burdens to You take them and do with me whatever You will. I will be faithful to You and I surrender to Your Will."

Are you surrendering and being faithful?
(Just as a side note: I hope nobody feels as if I am being judgmental towards anybody; I am simply accounting my life and writing things that will be reminders and encouragement for me as I hope they will be the same for you).

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I've been thinking lately about how we long for things so often, and most of the time we fail to see what is right in front of our faces. There's been multiple occasions where I've longed to be somewhere or with somebody or to have something, when God has provided so much for me already. I have this longing to have love and a relationship only those who've experienced it can explain. But what I've realized is that God has that same longing except it is a relationship and love with us. Unfortunately, at times I myself am too busy worrying about me and what I want to see that God is right here with His arms opened wide. I've never known a love so true, and yet I still don't give God what is His. Instead of spending time with Him I am spending time longing for what I cannot provide. God has provided, but it is I who have to choose to open my eyes and stop longing for something else. "I won't be lonely tonight, because my maker is holding me." "Lord I want to yearn for you, I want to burn with passion." Are you still longing?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Trying to stay positive

Well, I found out today that I am going to have to have surgery on my ankle again. I had surgery on the same ankle about 2 years ago and I have re-injured it and am going to have surgery on December 19, the day before I leave for Ohio for Christmas. While this isn't the end of the world, I know, it is something that continually brings me down. The reason this is is because sports have always been a big part of life and I love to just go out and play around, but with these ankle injuries I have not been capable of going out and playing as much as I want to. For me it is hard for me to see the bright side of this recurring injury, but since I have been through it multiple times now, it is simply a humbling experience. Since I could not play sports I would go and support them and be their "coach" and just provide a good attitude for everyone out there and would conduct the prayers before and after the games. So, while this seems like a downing experience, I am trying to let God use me in new and different ways that don't include me being involved with sports. Since there is nothing I can do about this, I place it in God's hands and allow Him to continue to use me. How are you being used?

Friday, December 01, 2006


Ok, so I am taking this class entitled Intro to Poetry. I know what you're thinking, poetry, how easy. This class is definitely not that simple, but today we had an opportunity to read our favorite poems or lyrics. The poem I chose was written by William Byrd and is entitled "Death is Nothing but a Moment's Rest," and it is a great Christian poem that has described how I've felt along the way of my Christian walk. While others were reading their poems and some performing, it just felt like God was speaking and basically laying it out there for those who don't know him. Not only through the poem I chose but from other poems that didn't have to do with God or Christianity at all. One of the girls in the class performed the song "Cathedrals," and there is a couple lines that read as follows, "In the cathedrals of New York and Rome There is a feeling that you should just go home And spend a lifetime finding out just where that is." I continued to think about this and thought about where is home. it where I was born (Ohio), is it where I've been raised (Southport), or is it where I will spend eternity? So just where is home, it is all three for all three are what make me whole. There was another poem that just caught my attention, I do not remember who wrote it or the title, but these following lines were stuck in my head and I thought about it all day. "It is better to be a part of beauty for one instant and then cease to exist than to exist forever and never be a part of beauty." WOW!! That is all I could say after thinking about those lines. For me I took beauty to be the love of Christ and for me to be a part of the love of Christ and His sacrifice for us for one instant and then cease to exist is better than to exist forever and never experience His love, grace, and mercy. Therefore, since I know how it feels to be a part of the love of Christ it has been laid upon me to share this love so that other will not have to go their whole lives without experiencing the love of Christ. Where is your home? Are you being a part or are you just existing?