Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Long drive home

So basically people cannot drive! I had just left Chapel Hill to come home for Thanksgiving and guess what? I-40 was backed up, what a surprise! Why was it backed up you might ask...well there were no accidents and it wasn't even close to 5 o'clock nor were there cops for that matter, but no, people just wouldn't GO! How aggravating. And to make matters worse, it was pouring down rain and the closer I got to home, the worse the weather got! Sooo about 3 hours and some later I was coming down 133 and this jerk decided to pass about 10 of us and just before he cut off the guy in front of me (causing us to all slam on brakes) he almost hit head on to this car that was oncoming and he came about 5 ft from hitting him! He almost caused a 10 car pile up, but thankfully God was watching out for us and nobody hit or got hurt. So yea that was the excitement for the ride home.

Today my mom decided that she wanted to go to the movies, not a surprise since this what we do a lot when I come home, but I love it. So she figured that she wanted to see Happy Feet. When she told me this I just glared at her like, "Mom are you serious? You want me to go watch some movie about penguins." Well since it was what she wanted to see, we went to watch it, and I have to admit, it really wasn't that bad of a movie, rather it was quite funny and had some good music too! So yea you should all go see it! HAHA! It is great just being able to be home and spend time with my family and get to see some old friends that I haven't seen in forever. There is so much to be thankful for in my life and instead of trying to cram all that into one day of thanks, I will live a life of Thanksgiving and Love as it was Christ who first loved me and now His Love is overflowing from my heart and into my words, actions, and my life. Are you living a life of Thanksgiving and Love?