Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When I rise...

Have you ever wondered, what's the point? Have you ever thought, why am I here or why am I doing this right now? Have you ever shared the Gospel and just thought your words were falling on deaf ears? Let's be honest, many times this is case because we who are preaching aren't reminding ourselves of the Love that's freely given through God's grace. We're preaching redemption and salvation to others and forgetting about our own. The Bible tells us that each day God's mercies are made new and each day we are given grace, should we choose to accept it. Paul tells us that being reminded of the Gospel is for our own benefit. This isn't just an every Sunday/Wednesday reminder, this is an everyday reminder that Christ has redeemed me and taken my place, my beating, my death in order to bring me back to the Father. Each day we should wake up and first preach the Gospel to ourselves and remind ourselves of God's glory, then and only then can we preach it to other people. If Christians would preach the Gospel to themselves and daily be reminded of God's grace and forgiveness, then maybe, just maybe non-believers would be less confused as to what true Christianity and being a follower/disciple of Christ actually looks like. I charge each one of us to choose God's daily provisions and to preach the Gospel to ourselves each new day before we even think about preaching it to other people. As the song says, "when I rise, give me Jesus." Will you make that commitment?