Thursday, May 29, 2008


Let me just preface this whole thing by saying that I love the Summit church and am glad to call that my church family. For the past couple of years I have been attending this church and to be honest it has changed my life. There are many college students that attend our church and when people ask where you go to church and you tell them "The Summit," some get this weird look on their face and remark, "Oh, 'The Summit.'" For some reason people do not like the Summit church at first glance because it is what some would call a 'megachurch.' The fact that we have two campuses, many partner and planted churches, and a large congregation people are turned away automatically. But, I challenge everyone to think about how churches like the Summit have gotten to be the way they are. These churches are not putting on a show and performing so that there is a large audience. There is one reason alone that the churches have gotten to be this way. That reason is that they preach the gospel and bless the city. Some people think that they've gotten so big because it's just entertainment, on the contrary, it's because of Jesus. Every day, every week, everywhere they go Jesus is presented and that is how these churches have become successful! The reason we have thousands of members and are able to send missionaries around the world (including the youth which is awesome) is because of Jesus alone! You can ask anybody at these churches and the one thing that will be common among the answers as to how, is Jesus. The gospel is preached, a burden for those around in the city is placed on the members, and salvation by grace alone is offered. This and this alone accounts for the success of the church. With that in mind, how are to be successful in our individual lives?