Thursday, September 13, 2007


So it has been a while since I've written and a lot has happened. First, today September 13, 2007 my great grandma passed away. Our family was really close to her and it was hard to deal with at first but I know that she is in the presence of our Lord and find joy in that. The prayers and love of my friends and family has been absolutely amazing and much appreciated. It is comforting to know that so many people care about you enough to pray for you. Thank you to all of you who have been unselfish in your prayers and in your love.

Since I've written last I have began my junior year at school and it is shaping up to be another great semester. Unfortunately, sometimes I tend to take on too much and just keep going and doing everything that I can. I have been reaching the burn out point and have realized that it is time to slow down, and take some time for myself. I have been trying to do everything that I can that I get so caught up in everything else that I forget about God's plans for me and I even forget about taking time to rest. Why is it that I keep taking on more things and at times I even find it hard to just say no. When I know that I don't have time or the ability to do something I don't say no, instead I just keep going. As I continue to think about this I am reminded of Psalm 46:10 which says, "Be still and know that I am God." WOW! Something that I have definitely not been doing lately. Just be still and know that God is and that God has his arms around me and is taking care of me. Are you still going?